Thursday, December 1, 2011


An Introduction

Ten years ago today I moved into my new house that I had bought and closed on the day before, seven years ago today I went my first day without a cigarette.  I have been talking about starting a blog for months now and have finally decided that if I don’t just start writing I will be saying the same thing months in the future and today, historically, has been a good starting day for me.  That being said, allow me to introduce myself.  I am a 32-year-old wife and mother of three kids.  Kane is 10, Noah is 6 and Aubrey is 21 months.  I have been married for the last three years but we have been together for seven years. 

I work very part-time in a plus sized women’s clothing store but mostly I work from home as a scopist.  I know, I know, I can already hear it, what the hell is a scopist.  Basically I do editing and proofreading for court reporters.  Scoping involves listening to the audio word for word, making sure everything is in the transcript correctly, fixing spelling and punctuation and making sure everything is perfect for the reporter.  I love what I do and it pays pretty well as long as the work is coming in, the problem is that work seems to stop coming in around this time every year so I am looking to add some freelance writing and blogging to my resume and hopefully add something to my bank account in the process.

In what feels like another lifetime I was a reporter, a credit card collector and an administrative assistant.  Now I am a wife, a mother, a retail worker, a scopist, a fundraising committee member, a crisis line operator and a Cub Scout Den Leader.  While carrying on all these roles I battle daily with depression and ADD, sometimes I win the battle for the day and sometimes I lose.  As I embark on this blogging journey my hope is that reading about my life and my struggles will help someone else facing the same issues or at least give them a reason to smile for a minute.

Til next time,

A Blue Mama

1 comment:

  1. You my dear are going to love blogging. I'm glad FOR YOU that you have finally started. I'm also glad to be your first follower.

    Now, to get more followers you have to follow other blogs. The more time you can spend on blogging the more you'll get out of it. Have a great time and I liked your story...You GO GIrl

    here's my blog
